It's Now or Never chords
by Elvis PresleySong Key: E Major
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 126 bpm (Freely)
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Chords: E, Em, F#m, A, Am, B7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

It's Now or Never
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyB7 E Intro: 4/4 |Oo oo oo | Oo... | Oo oo oo | Oo (It's now or)| E F#m Chorus: It's now or nev-er, come hold me tight B7 E Kiss me my dar-ling, be mine to-night Am Em To-mor-row will be too late, E B7 E It's now or nev-er, my love won't wait. E A 1. When I first saw you with your smile so tender B7 E My heart was cap-tured, my soul sur-ren-dered E A I'd spend a life-time wait-ing for the right time E B7 E Now that your near the time is here at last. E F#m Chorus: It's now or nev-er, come hold me tight B7 E Kiss me my dar-ling, be mine to-night Am Em To-mor-row will be too late, E B7 E It's now or nev-er, my love won't wait. E A 2. Just like a wil-low, we would cry an o-cean B7 E If we lost true love and sweet de-vo-tion E A Your lips ex-cite me, let your arms in-vite me E B7 E For who knows when we'll meet a-gain this way E F#m Chorus: It's now or nev-er, come hold me tight B7 E Kiss me my dar-ling, be mine to-night Am Em To-mor-row will be too late, E B7 E It's now or nev-er, my love won't wait. E B7 E It's now or nev-er, my love won't wait. E B7 E It's now or nev-er, my love won't wait. E B7 E E It's now or nev-er, my love won't wait.| ↓ ↓ ↓ |
Song Details:
- Composer: E. Di Capau
- Lyricists: Aaron Schroeder, Wally Gold, and Giovanni Capurro
- Lyrics Begin: It's now or never, come hold me tight.
- Performing Artists: Elvis Presley
- Single:
Recorded: April 3, 1960
Released: July 5, 1960
B-side (US): A Mess of Blues
B-side (UK): Make Me Know It - Genre: Pop