Goodbye Mrs Durkin chords
by The Irish Rovers- The author of Goodbye Mrs Durkin is unknown, while the melody was set to the traditional tune of 'Cailíní deasa Mhuigheo' (Pretty Girls of Mayo).
- This version of the song is by The Irish Rovers from the album - The Best of The Irish Rovers.
- Music: Key of C Major in 2/2 time at 122 bpm
- Chords in C Major: C, F, G, Am
- Capo on 3rd fret if playing with the video (Eb Major)

Goodbye Mrs Durkin
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyC G G F C Intro: 2/2 ♩ | | | - | | C G F C Chorus: Good-bye Mrs. Dur-kin I'm sick and tired of work-in' Am G F C No more I'll dig the pra-ties No long-er I'll be poor Am G F C As sure as my name is Bar-ney I'm off to Cal-i-for-ny Am G F C G F C In-stead of dig-ging pra-ties I'll be dig-ging lumps of |gold | - | | C G F C 1. In the days when I was court-in' I was nev-er tired re-sort-in' Am G F C To the ale-house and the play-house, and the other house be-sides Am G F C But I told my broth-er Sea-mus "I'd be off now and grow fa-mous Am G F C And be-fore that I re-turn again I'll roam the whole world wide." C G F C Chorus: So it's, Good-bye Mrs. Dur-kin I'm sick and tired of work-in' Am G F C No more I'll dig the pra-ties No long-er I'll be poor Am G F C As sure as my name is Bar-ney I'm off to Cal-i-for-ny Am G F C G F C In-stead of dig-ging pra-ties I'll be dig-ging lumps of |gold | - | | C G F C 2. Well, I've court-ed girls in Blar-ney In An-trim and Kil-lar-ney Am G F C In Dub-lin and in Ker-ry Down to the coves of Cork Am G F C But I'm tired of all this plea-sure, so now I'll take my lei-sure Am G F C And the next time that you hear from me I'll write you from New York... C G F C Chorus: So it's, Good-bye Mrs. Dur-kin I'm sick and tired of work-in' Am G F C No more I'll dig the pra-ties No long-er I'll be poor Am G F C As sure as my name is Bar-ney I'm off to Cal-i-for-ny Am G F C G F C In-stead of dig-ging pra-ties I'll be dig-ging lumps of |gold | - | | C G F C 3. When I land-ed in A-mer-i-ca I met a man named Burke Am G F C He told me if I'd stay a while He'd sure-ly find me work Am G F C But work he didn't find me So there's noth-ing here to bind me Am G F C I'm bound for San Fran-cis-co In Califor-ni-ay! Replace the chorus with the following words if you prefer... Da da da da da da dee da... C G F C Chorus: So it's, Good-bye Mrs. Dur-kin I'm sick and tired of work-in' Am G F C No more I'll dig the pra-ties No long-er I'll be poor Am G F C As sure as my name is Bar-ney I'm off to Cal-i-for-ny Am G F C In-stead of dig-ging pra-ties I'll be dig-ging lumps of gold C G F C 4. Well, I'm now in San Fran-ci-sco And my for-tune it is made Am G F C My pock-ets load-ed down with gold I'll throw a-way me spade Am G F C I'll go back to dear old Er-in Spend my for-tune nev-er car-in' Am G F C I'll mar-ry Queen Vic-tor-i' Mrs. Dur-kin for to spite C G F C Chorus: So it's, Good-bye Mrs. Dur-kin I'm sick and tired of work-in' Am G F C No more I'll dig the pra-ties No long-er I'll be poor Am G F C As sure as my name is Bar-ney I'm off to Cal-i-for-ny Am G F C G F C In-stead of dig-ging pra-ties I'll be dig-ging lumps of gold | - | 𝄑 |
Songs by The Irish Rovers on this site:
- Bridget Flynn
- Fiddlers Green
- Goodbye Mrs Durkin
- The Orange and the Green