The C Clef
The Movable ClefThe C clef, also known as the movable C clef, is a symbol used in music notation to indicate the pitch of specific notes on the staff. Unlike the fixed G clef (treble clef) or F clef (bass clef), which designate specific pitches on the staff, the C clef can move to different positions on the staff, indicating different pitches.
The clef resembles a stylized letter "B" and can appear on various lines of the staff. The positioning of the clef determines which pitch is associated with the line it intersects.
The Middle C Position
When the C clef is placed on a particular line of the staff, it indicates that the note represented by that line is middle C, with the line running through the middle of the clef symbolizing the position of middle C. Other notes can be read relative to that central point.

Most commonly used C clefs:
Alto Clef (C3 Clef): Positioned on the middle line of the staff (intersects the third line), indicating that the line represents middle C (C4).
The alto clef (C clef) is used in music notation for specific instruments and voice ranges. Instruments and musicians that commonly use the alto clef include:
Viola: The most common instrument that primarily uses the alto clef is the viola. The alto clef is the standard clef for the viola, as the viola's range often sits comfortably in this clef.
Alto Voices: In vocal music, the alto clef may be used for compositions written for alto singers. However, the alto voice is often notated using the treble clef or bass clef as well, depending on the range of the music.
Other Instruments: Occasionally, certain other instruments, such as the alto trombone, may use the alto clef, although the tenor clef might be more common for the trombone.
While the treble clef and bass clef are more prevalent in music notation, the alto clef finds its primary use in music written for the viola and occasionally for specific vocal parts or other instruments within a similar range to the viola.
Tenor Clef (C4 Clef): Located on the fourth line from the bottom of the staff (intersects the fourth line), indicating that the line represents middle C (C4).
The tenor clef is used in music notation for certain instruments and vocal ranges that fall within its pitch range. Instruments and musicians that may utilize the tenor clef include:
Tenor Voices: In vocal music, the tenor clef may be used for compositions written for tenor singers. However, the tenor voice is more commonly notated using the treble clef or bass clef, depending on the vocal range of the music.
Tenor Trombone: The tenor trombone is one of the primary brass instruments that often uses the tenor clef. Trombonists may read music in the tenor clef, especially for passages that lie within the tenor trombone's range.
Other Instruments: Some other instruments might occasionally use the tenor clef for certain passages or compositions, depending on their pitch range. However, its use outside of the tenor trombone and specific vocal parts is less common compared to the treble and bass clefs.
Less commonly used C clefs:
The Soprano Clef (C1 Clef) is not commonly used in modern music notation and is relatively rare compared to clefs like the treble clef, bass clef, or even the alto and tenor clefs. However, historically, the Soprano Clef has been used for certain instruments and vocal music.
The Soprano Clef has been employed for vocal music, particularly for soprano singers in early music scores. Additionally, it has occasionally been used for instruments such as the violin or flute in historical compositions.
The Mezzo-Soprano Clef (C2 Clef) was primarily used for mezzo-soprano voices, however in the modern era the clef is used for transposition purposes for conductors and musicians, especially horn and trumpet players. You will find an excellent article on this at
The Baritone Clef (C5 Clef) is primarily used by instruments such as the trombone, euphonium, and baritone horn. It is a transposing clef that allows these instruments to read music in a more practical range.
The purpose of using the Baritone Clef instead of other clefs is to accommodate the unique range and pitch of these instruments. The trombone, euphonium, and baritone horn have a lower range compared to other instruments, and using the Baritone Clef allows them to read music more easily in their optimal range.
By using the Baritone Clef, these instruments can avoid excessive ledger lines, which are additional lines that extend the staff when notes are outside the normal range. Excessive ledger lines can make reading music more challenging and can be visually cluttered. The Baritone Clef helps to simplify the notation for these instruments and makes it easier for musicians to read and interpret the music accurately.