Wooden Heart chords
by Joe DowellSong Key: D Major
Key Signature: 2 sharps (F#, C#)
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 88 bpm (Moderately)
Vocal Range: D4 - D5
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Chords: D, D#dim7, Em7, G, A7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Wooden Heart
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD G D G D G D Intro: | /A /B /C# | 1& 2& 3& 4& | 1& 2& 3&4& | Count: 1&2&3 & 4 & ↑ D A7 1. Can't you see I love you? D Please don't break my heart in two That's not hard to do Em7 A7 D 'Cause I don't have a wood-en heart D A7 2. And if you say good-bye D Then I know that I would cry Maybe I would die Em7 A7 D 'Cause I don't have a wood-en heart A7 D Bridge: There's no strings up-on this love of mine G D A7 It was al-ways you from the | start - (Treat me) | D A7 3. Treat me nice, treat me good D Treat me like you real-ly should 'Cause I'm not made of wood Em7 A7 D And I don't have a wood-en heart D A7 4. Muss i denn, muss i denn D Zum Städtele hinaus? Städtele hinaus? Em7 A7 D Und du, mein Schatz, bleibst hier D A7 5. Muss i denn, muss i denn D Zum Städtele hinaus? Städtele hinaus? Em7 A7 D Und du, mein Schatz, bleibst hier A7 D Bridge: There's no strings up-on this love of mine G D A7 It was al-ways you from the | start - (Sei mir) | D A7 6. Sei mir gut, sei mir gut D Sei mir, wie du wirklich sollst Wie du wirklich sollst Em7 A7 D G D G D G D A7 D 'Cause I don't have a wood-en | heart 2& 3& 4& | 1& 2& 3 & 4& |
You may want to try the following in the Bridge Section:A7 D Bridge: There's no strings up-on this love of mine G D D#dim7 A7 It was al-ways you from the | start (2& 3&4&)|
This adds a little color to the song... see what you think