Venus chords
by Shocking Blue- Venus was written by Robbie van Leeuwen from the band Shocking Blue.
- The song was recorded in 1969 and released October 2nd, 1969
- Album: At Home.
- Music: Key of E Minor in 4/4 time at 130 bpm (♩)
- Chords: Em, A, Am, D, C, B, B7sus4

Intro: 4/4 | B7sus4 | B7sus4 | Em - A | Em - A | | B7sus4 | B7sus4 | Em - A | Em - A | Em - A | Em - A | Em - A Em - A Em - A Em - A 1. A God-dess on the moun-tain top Was burn-ing like a sil-ver flame Em - A Em - A Em - A | Em | The sum-mit of beau-ty and love And Ve-nus was her name Am - D Am - D Em - A | Em - A | Chorus: She's got it _ Yeah ba-by she's got it _ C B7sus4 Em - A | Em - A | Well I'm your Ve-nus I'm your fire At your de-sire C B7sus4 Em - A | Em - A | Well I'm your Ve-nus I'm your fire At your de-sire Instr: ||: Em - A | Em - A | Em - A | Em - A :|| (8) Em - A Em - A Em - A Em - A 2. Her wea-pons were her crys-tal eyes Ma-king ev’-ry man mad Em - A Em - A Em - A Em Black as the dark night she was Got what no-one else had Wow! Am - D Am - D Em - A | Em - A | Chorus: She's got it _ Yeah ba-by she's got it _ C B7sus4 Em - A | Em - A | Well I'm your Ve-nus I'm your fire At your de-sire C B7sus4 Em - A | Em - A | Well I'm your Ve-nus I'm your fire At your de-sire Bridge: | A / B - A / B | A / B - A / B | ||: Em - A | Em - A | Em - A | Em - A :|| (8) Ah ah Ah ah Ah ah ah Ah... Am - D Am - D Em - A | Em - A | Chorus: She's got it _ Yeah ba-by she's got it _ C B7sus4 Em - A | Em - A | Well I'm your Ve-nus I'm your fire At your de-sire C B7sus4 Em - A | Em - A | Well I'm your Ve-nus I'm your fire At your de-sire Outro: | A / B - A / B | A / B - A / B | | B7sus4 | B7sus4 | Em - A | Em - A | | B7sus4 | B7sus4 | Em - A | Em - A | Em - A | Em - A | | Em - A | Em - A | Em - A | ... (fade out)
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- Essential Guitar Chords
- ↓ Venus chords and lyrics
- Level Of Ease: Easy once you get used to it.
- Song Key: Em (1 sharps - F#) - relative minor to G major (share the same notes)
- The intro starts with a B7sus4. Listen to the intro a few times till you get used to the strumming pattern. Play along with the guitarist... after a while it becomes very natural.
- The intro to this song is like a great guitar riff except it takes the form of a strum pattern. It is a very famous intro, and many of you will have heard it with this version, or Bananarama's version of the song.
- The | A/B A/B | means you slide from A to B (2x) in the bar
- If you are counting each bar as |1& 2& 3& 4&|: beat 1 - strum A and slide on the & so that on beat 2 you are on B (2&); beat 3 - strum A and slide on the && so that on beat 4 you are on B (4&)... you will hear this as you play along.
- The slide from A to B happens 2x in each bar... with 2 bars there are 4 slides in total. This occurs in the Bridge, and again in the Outro.
- The hyphen between 2 chords means the bar count is split in half, therefore in this song, | Em - A | means 2 beats on Em and 2 beats on A.
- As you play the | Em - A | throughout the song, you will have to dampen each chord after you play it, so again if you are counting each bar as |1& 2& 3& 4&| try the following.
1 - down stroke on the Em
& - up stroke on the Em
2& - dampen (as you strum down, place your hand on the strings to stop the sound
3 - down stroke on the A
& - up stroke on the A
4& - dampen
& - up stroke on the Em
2& - dampen (as you strum down, place your hand on the strings to stop the sound
3 - down stroke on the A
& - up stroke on the A
4& - dampen
- At the start of each chorus with the lyrics "She's Got it" and chords | Am - D | Am - D | - they can be played as barre chords starting on the 5th fret ... see charts above.
- The dynamics work very well, with slides, guitar riffs, strum riffs... it's all happening!
- This song is pretty straight forward once you get the hang of the strum pattern, slides and string dampening... enjoy.