Something chords

by The Beatles
  • Something was written by George Harrison, the lead guitarist from The Beatles.
  • Recorded: 2nd & 5th May, 16th July, and 15th August, 1969 .
  • Released: Oct 6th, 1969 in the US, and Oct 31st, 1969 in the UK
  • Album: Abbey Road
  • Music: Key of C Major in 4/4 time at ~ 67 bpm (♩)
  • Chords: C, Cmaj7, C7, F, D, D7, D9, G, A, Am, Am7, Am(maj7), Amaj7, Eb, F#m
  • We have included alternative voicings for the harder chords, namely Eb & D9... all charts below.
Chord Chart Legend
C Major Cmaj7 C7 G Major F Major A Major Am Am(maj7) Am7 Amaj7 D Major D7 D9 D9 Eb Major Eb Major Eb Major D9
C Major Cmaj7 C7 G Major F Major A Major Am Am(maj7) Am7 Amaj7 D Major D7 D9 D9 Eb Major Eb Major Eb Major D9


Intro: 12/8 (anacrusis) |          | 𝄾 ♪ ♪ ♪ ♩  ♩ |
                              Notes:  A C A Bb B 

   C                         Cmaj7  
1. Some-thing in the way she moves
 C7                         | F   -   /F  /E  |      
   At-tracts me like no other lov-er
    D                D7      G
   Some-thing in the way she woos me
     Am                         Am(maj7)  
   I don't want to leave her now
       Am7                    D9 | F        Eb G  |
   You know I be-lieve and how    (- A C A  Bb B )

   C                           Cmaj7
2. Some-where in her smile she knows
C7                            F
   That I don't need no other lov-er
   D                 D7         G
   Some-thing in her style that shows me
     Am                         Am(maj7)  
   I don't want to leave her now
       Am7                    D9 | F        Eb G |  A  | 
   You know I be-lieve and how    (- A C A  Bb B )

       A               Amaj7               F#m
Chorus: You're ask-ing me     will my love grow
                D     G       A    
        I don't know, I don't know
       A            Amaj7                 F#m
        You stick a-round      and it may show
       A        D     G       C    
        I don't know, I don't know

Instr: Verse 1

   C                         Cmaj7
3. Some-thing in the way she knows
 C7                        F
   And all I have to do is think of her
   D                 D7         G
   Some-thing in the things she shows me
     Am                         Am(maj7)  
   I don't want to leave her now
       Am7                     D9 
   You know I be-lieve and how
   | F        Eb G |  A  |
   ( - A C A  Bb B )
   | F        Eb G |  C  |
   ( - A C A  Bb B )

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