Sixteen Going On Seventeen chords
from The Sound Of Music- Sixteen Going On Seventeen was written by Richard Rodgers (lyrics) and Oscar Hammerstein (music).
- Music: Key of F Major in 4/4 time at a moderate tempo
- Chords: F, F6, F7, F+, Fm6, G7, G9, Gm7, C7, C7b9, C9, C+, Dm, Dm7, D7, Bb, Bb-5, Bbm7
- Learn the Chords: Make sure you can play all the chords before attempting the song. Some of them look a little scary but once you learn them they are all very easy to play.
- Video: If you want to play along with the video, the start of the song and first refrain (male part) is in the key of Ab - place a Capo on the 3rd fret and all is well. On the second refrain (female part) there is a key change to D Major - you will need to move the capo to the 9th fret which may sound a little odd... as long as you have enough neck-room, it is possible but not entirely desirable.
- The optional Interlude and 3rd refrain in the song is not included in the video clip.
The first verse is omitted in the video clip... starts at the first refrain.
Sixteen Going On Seventeen
Capo on 3rd fret if playing with the video
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyF G9 1. You wait, lit-tle girl, on an emp-ty stage Gm7 F6 For fate to turn the light on F G9 Your life, lit-tle girl, is an emp-ty page Gm7 F6 Faug Dm C7 That men will want to write on To write on | |... F C7 Refrain 1: You are six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen F Dm7 G9 Ba-by, it's time to | think - | C9 F Bet-ter be-ware, be can-ny and care-ful Gm7 G7 C7 Caug Ba-by, you're on the | brink! / / | F C7 You are six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen F Dm7 G9 Fel-lows will fall in | line - | C9 F Ea-ger young lads and rogues and cads Gm7 C9 F Will of-fer you food and wine. Bb Bb-5 To-tal-ly un-pre-pared are you F7 Bb To face a world of men. Bb Bb-5 Tim-id and shy and scared are you F G7 C7 Of things be-yond your | kin - | F C7 You need some-one old-er and wis-er F Bbm7 Tell-ing you what to do F D7 I am sev-en-teen go-ing on eight-een G9 C7b9 F G7 C7 I'll take care of you | - | F C7 Refrain 2: I am six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen F Dm7 G9 I know that I'm na-|ive - | C9 F Fel-lows I meet may tell me I'm sweet Gm7 G7 C7 Caug And will-ing-ly I'll be-|lieve. / / | F C7 I am six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen F Dm7 G9 In-no-cent as a | rose - | C9 F Bach-e-lor dan-dies, drink-ers of bran-dies Gm7 C9 F What do I know of those? Bb Bb-5 To-tal-ly un-pre-pared am I F7 Bb To face a world of men Bb Bb-5 Tim-id and shy and scared am I F G7 C7 Of things be-yond my | kin - | F C7 I need some-one old-er and wis-er F Bbm7 Tell-ing me what to do F D7 You are sev-en-teen go-ing on eight-een G9 C7b9 F I'll de-pend on you | 𝄎 | F C7 Gm7 C7 Interlude: A bell is no bell till you ring it, F G7 A song is no song till you sing it, F Fm6 And love in your heart was-'nt put there to stay, F6 Gm7 C7 F7 F6 Faug F Love is-n't love till you give it a - | way - | - | F C7 Refrain 3: When you're six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen F Dm7 G9 Wait-ing for life to | start - | C9 F Some-bod-y kind who touch-es your mind Gm7 G7 C7 Caug Will sud-den-ly touch your | heart! / / | F C7 When thet hap-pens, af-ter it hap-pens, F Dm7 G9 Noth-ing is quite the | same - | C9 F Some-how you kno you'll jump up and go Gm7 C9 F If ev-er he calls your name! Bb Bb-5 Gone are your old i - deas of life F7 Bb The old i-deas grow dim Bb Bb-5 Lo and be-hold you're some-one's wife F G7 C9 And you be-long to | him - | F C7 You may think this kind of ad-ven-ture F Bbm7 Nev-er may come to you F D7 Dar-ling six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen, G9 C7b9 F Wait a year or two | 𝄎 |
- Help on reading the song charts
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- Essential Guitar Chords
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Songs from The Sound Of Music on this site:
- Climb Every Mountain
- Do Re Mi
- Edelweiss
- My Favorite Things
- Sixteen Going On Seventeen
- The Sound Of Music