Jim Reeves chords & lyrics
Gentleman Jim's Country ClassicsDistant Drums
- Writer: Cindy Walker (1965) - amazing song-writer and artist.
- Album: Distant Drums: The Collection

Key Signature: D Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 96 bpm
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 96 bpm
Intro: 4/4 | Drums (I hear the)| A D 1. I hear the sound of dis-tant drums A D Far a-way, far a-way A D And if they call for me to come G D A D Then I must go and you must stay D G Chorus 1: So Ma-ry mar-ry me Let's not wait A D Let's share all the time we can be-fore it's too late D G Love me now for now is all the time there may be A D If you love me Ma-ry Ma-ry mar-ry me A D 2. I hear the sound of bu-gles blow A D Far a-way, far a-way A D And if they call, then I must go G D A D A-cross the sea, so wild and grey D G Chorus 2: So Ma-ry mar-ry me Let's not wait A D For the dis-tant drums might change our wed-ding date D G And love me now, for now is all the time there may be A D If you love me Ma-ry Ma-ry mar-ry me...
Welcome To My World
- Writers: Ray Winkler & John Hathcock (1963)
- Album: A Touch of Velvet

Key Signature: D Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 76 bpm
Capo: 3rd fret if playing with the video (F Major)
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 76 bpm
Capo: 3rd fret if playing with the video (F Major)
D Intro: 4/4 | Vibraphone... (Welcome to my)| D Em A D 1. Wel-come to my world Won't you come on in Bm Em A D Mi-ra-cles I guess Still hap-pen now and then D G A D 2. Step in-to my heart Leave your cares be-hind D Em A D - G | D | Wel-come to my world Built with you in mind A D A D Chorus: Knock and the door will o-pen Seek and you will find A D Bm E A Em Ask and you will be gi-ven The key to this world of mine A G Em A D 3. I'll be wait-ing here With my arms un-furled D Em A D - G | D | Wait-ing just for you Wel-come to my world Interlude: | G | A | D | D Em A D Wait-ing just for you Wel-come to my world...
He'll Have To Go
- Writers: Joe Allison, Audrey Allison (1959)
- Album: The Essential Jim Reeves

Key Signature: C Major
Time Signature: 3/4
Tempo: 80 bpm
Time Signature: 3/4
Tempo: 80 bpm
Intro: 3/4 | C | G | C | G (Put Your)| C F C 1. Put your sweet lips a little clo-ser to the phone C G Let's pre-tend that we're to-ge-ther all a-lone C C7 F I'll tell the man to turn the juke-box way down low C G C | G | And you can tell your friend there with you he'll have to go C F C 2. Whis-per to me tell me do you love me true C G Or is he hold-ing you the way I do C C7 F Though love is blind make up your mind I've got to know C G C | 𝄎 | Should I hang up or will you tell him he'll have to go F Bridge: You can't say the words I want to hear C While you're with a-no-ther man F Do you want me an-swer yes or no C G Dar-lin' I will un-der-stand C F C 3. Put your sweet lips a lit-tle clo-ser to the phone C G Let's pre-tend that we're to-ge-ther all a-lone C C7 F I'll tell the man to turn the juke-box way down low C G C And you can tell your friend there with you he'll have to go...
I Love You Because
- Writer: Leon Payne (1949)
- Album: Gentleman Jim

Key Signature: D Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 112 bpm
Capo: 3rd fret if playing with the video (F Major)
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 112 bpm
Capo: 3rd fret if playing with the video (F Major)
Intro: 4/4 | D | 𝄎 | G | A | D G 1. I love you be-cause you un-der-stand dear D | A - E | A | Ev'-ry sin-gle thing I try to do D G You're al-ways there to lend a help-ing hand dear D A D I love you most of all be-cause you're you G D Chorus: No mat-ter what the world may say a-bout me E A I know your love will al-ways see me through D G I love you for the way you ne-ver doubt me D A D But most of all I love you 'cause you're you Intro: | D | A | D | 𝄎 | D G 2. I love you be-cause my heart is light-er D A Ev'-ry time I'm walk-ing by your side D G I love you be-cause the future's bright-er D A D The door to hap-pi-ness you o-pen wide G D Chorus: No mat-ter what the world may say a-bout me E A I know your love will al-ways see me through D G I love you for a hun-dred thou-sand rea-sons D A D But most of all I love you 'cause you're you... Outro: | G | D |
Make The World Go Away
- Writer: Hank Cochran (1965)
- Album: The Jim Reeves Way

Key Signature: A Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 70 bpm
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 70 bpm
Intro: 4/4 | A | Bm | E | A - D | A Bm Bm7 1. Do you re-mem-ber when you loved me E A Asus2 Be-fore the world took me a-stray F# Bm Bm7 If you do then for-give me E A D And make the world go a-way A D Chorus:(Make the world go a-way) E A And get it off my shoulders A D (Say the things you used to say) E A D A Please make the world go a-way (Make the world go a-way) Interlude: | D | E | A - D | A Bm Bm7 2. I'm sor-ry if I've hurt you E A Asus2 I'll make it up day by day F# Bm Bm7 Just say you love me like you used to E A D And make the world go a-way A D Chorus:(Make the world go a-way) E A Get it off my shoulders A D (Say the things you used to say) E A And make the world go a-way...
Memories Are Made Of This
- Writers: Terry Gilkyson, Richard Dehr, and Frank Miller (1955)
- Album: Gentleman Jim

Key Signature: D Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 126 bpm
Capo: 1st fret if playing with the video (Eb Major)
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 126 bpm
Capo: 1st fret if playing with the video (Eb Major)
Intro: 4/4 | D | A | D | A | D A D | A | 1. Take one fresh and ten-der kiss D A D | A | Add one sto-len night of bliss G D A D One girl, one boy, some grief, some joy D A D A Me-mo-ries are made of this D A D | A | 2. Don't for-get a small moon-beam D A D | A | Fold-ed light-ly with a dream G D A D Your lips and mine, two sips of wine D A D | D /D /E /F# | Me-mo-ries are made of this G Bridge: Then add the wed-ding bells D One house where lo-vers dwell A D | D /D /E /F# | Three lit-tle kids for the fla-vor G Stir care-ful-ly through the days D See how the fla-vor stays E A | A7 /A /B /C# | These are the dreams you will sa - vor D A D | A | 3. With his bles-sings from a-bove D A D | A | Serve it gen-e-rous-ly with love G D A D One man, one wife, one love, true life D A D | A | Sweet me-mo-ries are made of this D A D | A | Me-mo-ries are made of this ...(Repeat to fade) Bass Runs: /D /E /F# /A /B /C# e|-----------|-----------| Numbers: Fret numbers B|-----------|-----------| 0: String is played open G|-----------|-----------| D|--0--2--4--|-----------| A|-----------|--0--2--4--| E|-----------|-----------|