I've Just Seen A Face chords
by The BeatlesSong Key: A Major
Time Signature: 2/2
Tempo: 120 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Guitar Chords: A, D, E, Em/D, F#m, F#m/E, C#m7/G#
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

I've Just Seen A Face
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
F#m D Em/D D E D Intro: 2/2 | 𝅗𝅥 𝅗𝅥 | | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | | | | 𝄎 | | | A C#m7/G# F#m 1. I've just seen a face, I can't for-get the time or place where we just met F#m/E D She's just the girl for me and I want all the world to see we've met E A Mm mm mm mm mm mm A C#m7/G# F#m 2. Had it been a-no-ther day I might have looked the o-ther way F#m/E D And I'd have ne-ver been a-ware but as it is I'll dream of her to-night E A Lai dai dai dai dai dai E D Chorus: Fall-ing Yes I am fall-ing A D A And she keeps call-ing Me back a-gain A C#m7/G# F#m 3. I have never known the like of this I've been a-lone and I have missed things F#m/E D And kept out of sight for o-ther girls were ne-ver quite like this E A Lai dai dai dai dai dai E D Chorus: Fall-ing Yes I am fall-ing A D A And she keeps call-ing Me back a-gain Instr: Verse E D Chorus: Fall-ing Yes I am fall-ing A D A And she keeps call-ing Me back a-gain A C#m7/G# F#m 4. I've just seen a face, I can't for-get the time or place where we just met F#m/E D She's just the girl for me and I want all the world to see we've met E A Mm mm mm lai dai dai E D Chorus: Fall-ing Yes I am fall-ing A D A And she keeps call-ing Me back a-gain E D Chorus: Fall-ing Yes I am fall-ing A D A And she keeps call-ing Me back a-gain E D Chorus: Oh, Fall-ing Yes I am fall-ing A D D A A And she keeps call-ing Me back a-gain | 𝄐 | ↑
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Notes and Helpful Tips
- Try learning all the chords before playing the song - avoids 'stopping and starting' which can be very frustrating!
- The chords with leading bass notes are very easy... the F#m → F#m/E just adds a country flavor with the alternating bass note... F# to E. You don't have to play the bass notes in which case just play F#m and G#m7. If you are playing solo, the bass notes do sound good.
- Em/D is very easy - just strum an open fretboard and avoid strings 5 & 6!
- C#m7/G# - is the same as C#m7 except you barre the whole 4th fret including the 6th string. Again the movement from C#m7/G# to F#m - bass notes G# → F# does sound good.
- Intro: Notice the Sheet Music displays 2 sets of triplets per bar - in this case each note is a quarter-note therefore each set of 3 quarter-notes are played in the same time as 2 quarter-notes. If you listen closely you will hear this.
- 2/2 is also known as 'cut time' or 'cut common time' which signifies halving the speed compared to common time. In the sheet music above you will notice 'cut time' is represented by 𝄵 whereas 'common time' is represented by 𝄴
- Beginners: You may find this key a little hard - G major is easier. If you play with the video, you will need to place a capo on the 2nd fret. The transposition is as follows:
A Major A D E Em/D F#m F#m/E C#m7 C#m7/G# G Major G C D Dm/C Em Em/D Bm7 Bm7/F# e|-3----0----2-----1------0-------0--------2--------2-----|
E|-3----------------------0-------------------------2-----| (B) (B)
Song Details:
- Songwriters: Written by Paul McCartney and credited to Lennon/McCartney.
- Date: 1965
- Lyrics Begin: I've just seen a face, I can't for-get the time or place where we just met
- Performing Artists: The Beatles
- Album: Help!
- Recorded: 14 June 1965
- Released: 6 August 1965