In These Times chords

by Joan Armatrading
  • In These Times was written by Joan Armatrading.
  • Recorded at G2 Music
  • Single released on March 25, 2003
  • Album: Lover's Speak
  • Music: Key of C Major in 4/4 time at 75 bpm (♩)
  • Chords: C, Am, F, G
Chart Legend
Numbered Circles: Fingers used to play chords   O: Optional Note
Barre Line: One finger holds down multiple strings   R: Root Note
Unmarked strings: Play open   X: Don't play string    B: Bass Note
C Major Am F Major F Major G Major
C Major Am F Major F Major G Major
ASCII Chord Charts: number = fret, x = don't play, 0 = play open string, (B) Barre Chord
Chord Guitar Piano Chord Guitar Piano
C x32010 C-E-G F xx3211 F-A-C
Am x02210 A-C-E G 320003 G-B-D

In These Times

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
                C         G         F       G     C
Intro: 4/4 |         |         |         |     -     |              

1.  These are the times
    Tears fill the back of your eyes
    These are the times the birds mi-grate
  G             C
    A-cross the skies

2. These are the times
   What hope you had you for-get
   These wick-ed times you're bound to feel
       G           C
   All san-i-ty is lost

                 C            Am        G
Chorus: In these times ev'-ry-one needs love
                 C            Am      G
        In these times do you pray to God   
        In these times ev'-ry-one needs com-fort
        And would wel-come a hand to hold
            Am                                  F                   C
        Com-pas-sion is the fire that burns the hurt that pains the soul
        And though my eyes are so pol-lu-ted
        By the sight of lost de-sires
              F       G         C
        I can see you stand-ing by
3. This is my fear
   That dis-tance will come be-tween us
   And it could mean noth-ing___ Noth-ing
      G                C
   To get from here to there

4. We own the world
   And ev'-ry-thing that's in it
   Let our love shine like glist'-ning rain-drops
   G             C
   Rest-ing on a rose
                 C           Am        G
Chorus: In these times ce-le-brate our love
                 C              Am        G
        In these times let's be thank-ful of
        All the days we can spend to-ge-ther
        And I'm hap-py to hold your hand
             Am                                  F             C
        Your pas-sion is the food that feeds the hun-ger in my heart
        And now my eyes are clear-ly o-pen
        No more long-ing for the past
              F        G        C
        Now I have you in these times

      C                      Am        G
Chorus: In these times ev'ry-one needs love
                 C            Am      G
        In these times do you pray to God   
        In these times ev'-ry-one needs com-fort
        And would wel-come a hand to hold
            Am                                  F                   C
        Com-pas-sion is the fire that burns the hurt that pains the soul
        And though my eyes are so pol-lu-ted
        By the sight of lost de-sires
                F        G        C
        Good to have you in these times... 

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