Girl chords
by The Beatles- Girl was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
- Recorded: Nov 11th, 1965 at EMI Studios in London.
- Released: Dec 3rd, 1965
- Album: Rubber Soul
- Music: Key of C Minor in 4/4 time at ~ 96 bpm (♩)
- Chords: Cm, Cm7, C, C7, Gm, G7, Fm, Eb, Ab, Bb7
The Relative Major Key of Cm is highlighted - Transpose to any other key.4/4 Cm G7 Cm Cm7 1. Is there any-bo-dy go-ing to lis-ten to my sto-ry Fm Eb G7 All a-bout the girl who came to stay? Cm G7 C Cm7 She's the kind of girl you want so much it makes you sor-ry Fm Cm Ab Still you don't re-gret a sin-gle | day / / Ah | Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Chorus: Gi - irl | - | Girl - Girl | - | Cm G7 Cm Cm7 2. When I think of all the times I tried so hard to leave her Fm Eb G7 She will turn to me and start to cry Cm G7 C Cm7 And she prom-i-ses the earth to me and I be-lieve her Fm Cm Ab A-fter all this time I don't know | why / / Ah | Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Chorus: Gi - irl | - | Girl - Girl | - | Fm C7 Bridge: She's the kind of girl who puts you down when friends are there Fm C7 You feel a fool | | Fm C7 When you say she's looking good, she acts as if it's understood Fm Ab She's coo - ool__ Oo - oo__ Oo - oo__ Oo - oo__ Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Chorus: Gi - irl | - | Girl Girl | - | Cm G7 Cm Cm7 3. Was she told when she was young that pain would lead to plea-sure? Fm Eb G7 Did she un-der-stand it when they said Cm G7 C Cm7 That a man must break his back to earn his day of lei-sure? Fm Cm Ab Will she still be-lieve it when he's | dead / / Ah | Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Chorus: Gi - irl | - | Girl - Girl | - | Cm G7 Cm Cm7 Fm Eb G7 Instr: | - | - | | - | Cm G7 Cm Cm7 Fm Cm Ab | - | - | | / / Ah | Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Chorus: Gi - irl | - | Girl Girl | - |... (fade out)
Please Note:
We have used a G7 barre chord in this song as it is easier to move from Eb → G7, and from Cm → G7
For beginners, an easier key is Am. If you are playing with the video, you will need to place a Capo on 3 and press the 'C' button on the Transposer as C is the relative Major of Am... they both share the same key signature.
We have used a G7 barre chord in this song as it is easier to move from Eb → G7, and from Cm → G7
For beginners, an easier key is Am. If you are playing with the video, you will need to place a Capo on 3 and press the 'C' button on the Transposer as C is the relative Major of Am... they both share the same key signature.