Come Together chords
by The BeatlesSong Key: D Minor (Relative to F Major)
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 83 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate (Helpful Tips below)
Guitar Chords: D5, D5/add6, A5, A5/add6, G5, G5/add6, Dm7, Bm, G, A7
Please Note: There are a mixture of barre chords and power chords with preferred voicings... all Tabs below.
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts
Red numbers: Finger positions/notes played A column of 1's: Barre 1st finger over marked strings Unmarked strings: Play open x: Don't play string Preferred D5 D5/add6 D5 D5/add6 e |---|---|---|x e |---|---|---|---|---|x e |---|---|---|x e |---|---|---|---|---|x B |---|---|---|x B |---|---|---|---|---|x B |---|---|---|x B |---|---|---|---|---|x G |---|---|-3-| G |---|---|-3-|---|---| G |---|---|---|x G |---|---|---|---|---|x D |---|---|-3-| D |---|---|-3-|---|-4-| D |---|---|-3-| D |---|---|-3-|---|---| A |-1-|---|---| A |-1-|---|---|---|---| A |---|---|-3-| A |---|---|-3-|---|-4-| E |---|---|---|x E |---|---|---|---|---|x E |-1-|---|---| E |-1-|---|---|---|---| Frets 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 G5 G5/add6 A5 A5/add6 e |---|---|---|x e |---|---|---|---|---|x e |---|---|---|x e |---|---|---|---|---|x B |---|---|---|x B |---|---|---|---|---|x B |---|---|---|x B |---|---|---|---|---|x G |---|---|---|x G |---|---|---|---|---|x G |---|---|---|x G |---|---|---|---|---|x D |---|---|-3-| D |---|---|-3-|---|---| D |---|---|-3-| D |---|---|-3-|---|---| A |---|---|-3-| A |---|---|-3-|---|-4-| A |---|---|-3-| A |---|---|-3-|---|-4-| E |-1-|---|---| E |-1-|---|---|---|---| E |-1-|---|---| E |-1-|---|---|---|---| Frets 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 Dm7 Bm G G7 A7 e |-1-|---|---| e |-1-|---|---| e |-1-|---|---| e |-1-|---|---| e |-1-|---|---| B |-1-|---|---| B |-1-|---|---| B |-1-|---|---| B |-1-|---|---| B |-1-|---|---| G |-1-|---|---| G |-1-|---|---| G |-1-|-2-|---| G |-1-|-2-|---| G |-1-|-2-|---| D |-1-|---|---| D |-1-|---|-4-| D |-1-|---|-4-| D |-1-|---|---| D |-1-|---|---| A |-1-|---|-3-| A |-1-|---|-3-| A |-1-|---|-3-| A |-1-|---|-3-| A |-1-|---|-3-| E |-1-|---|---| E |-1-|---|---| E |-1-|---|---| E |-1-|---|---| E |-1-|---|---| Frets 9 10 11 7 8 9 3 4 5 3 4 5 5 6 7
Red numbers: Finger positions/notes played A column of 1's: Barre 1st finger over marked strings Unmarked strings: Play open x: Don't play string Preferred D5 D5/add6 D5 D5/add6 x|---|---|---| e x|---|---|---|---|---| e x|---|---|---| e x|---|---|---|---|---| e x|---|---|---| B x|---|---|---|---|---| B x|---|---|---| B x|---|---|---|---|---| B |-3-|---|---| G |---|---|-3-|---|---| G x|---|---|---| G x|---|---|---|---|---| G |-3-|---|---| D |-4-|---|-3-|---|---| D |-3-|---|---| D |---|---|-3-|---|---| D |---|---|-1-| A |---|---|---|---|-1-| A |-3-|---|---| A |-4-|---|-3-|---|---| A x|---|---|---| E x|---|---|---|---|---| E |---|---|-1-| E |---|---|---|---|-1-| E 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 5 12 11 10 14 13 12 11 10 Frets G5 G5/add6 A5 A5/add6 x|---|---|---| e x|---|---|---|---|---| e x|---|---|---| e x|---|---|---|---|---| e x|---|---|---| B x|---|---|---|---|---| B x|---|---|---| B x|---|---|---|---|---| B x|---|---|---| G x|---|---|---|---|---| G x|---|---|---| G x|---|---|---|---|---| G |-3-|---|---| D |---|---|-3-|---|---| D |-3-|---|---| D |---|---|-3-|---|---| D |-3-|---|---| A |-4-|---|-3-|---|---| A |-3-|---|---| A |-4-|---|-3-|---|---| A |---|---|-1-| E |---|---|---|---|-1-| E |---|---|-1-| E |---|---|---|---|-1-| E 5 4 3 7 6 5 4 3 7 6 5 9 8 7 6 5 Frets Dm7 Bm G G7 A7 |---|---|-1-| e |---|---|-1-| e |---|---|-1-| e |---|---|-1-| e |---|---|-1-| e |---|---|-1-| B |---|---|-1-| B |---|---|-1-| B |---|---|-1-| B |---|---|-1-| B |---|---|-1-| G |---|---|-1-| G |---|-2-|-1-| G |---|-2-|-1-| G |---|-2-|-1-| G |---|---|-1-| D |-4-|---|-1-| D |-4-|---|-1-| D |---|---|-1-| D |---|---|-1-| D |-3-|---|-1-| A |-3-|---|-1-| A |-3-|---|-1-| A |-3-|---|-1-| A |-3-|---|-1-| A |---|---|-1-| E |---|---|-1-| E |---|---|-1-| E |---|---|-1-| E |---|---|-1-| E 11 10 9 9 8 7 5 4 3 5 4 3 7 6 5 Frets
Come Together
Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Intro: 4/4 ‖ Ssh... | Ssh... | Ssh... | Ssh... ‖ D5 /add6 D5 /add6 D5 /add6 D5 /add6 1. Here come old flat top he come groov-in’ up slow-ly he got D5 /add6 D5 /add6 D5 /add6 D5 /add6 Joo joo eye-ball he one ho - ly roll-er he got A5 /add6 A5 /add6 A5 /add6 A5 /add6 Hair down to his knee G7 Got to be a jok-er he just do what he please Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 ‖ Ssh... | Ssh... | Ssh... | Ssh... ‖ D5 /add6 ... 2. He wear no shoe shine he got toe jam foot-ball he got D5 /add6 ... Mon-key fin-ger he shoot Co-ca Co-la he say A5 /add6 ... I know you You know me G7 One thing I can tell you is you got to be free Bm G - A7 Dm7 Come To-ge-ther Right now O-ver me Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 ‖(me) | Ssh... | Ssh... | Ssh... ‖ D5 /add6 ... 3. He bag pro-duct-ion he got wal-rus gum- boot he got D5 /add6 ... O - no side-board he one spin-al crack-er he got A5 /add6 ... Feet down be-low his knee G7 Hold you in his arm-chair you can feel his dis-ease Bm G - A7 Dm7 Dm7 Come To-ge-ther Right now O-ver | me | Ssh | (Right...) Instr: | D5 /add6 D5 /add6 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | | A5 /add6 A5 /add6 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | Dm7 | 𝄎 | D5 /add6 ... 4. He rol-ler coast-er he got ear-ly warn-ing he got D5 /add6 ... Mud-dy wat-er he one Mo-jo fil-ter he say A5 /add6 ... One and one and one is three G7 Got to be good look-ing ‘cos he’s so hard to see Bm G - A7 Dm7 Come To-ge-ther Right now O-ver me Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 Dm7 ‖(me) | Ssh... | Ssh... | Ssh... (oh) ‖ | D5 /add6 D5 /add6 | G5 /add6 D5 /add6 | D5 /add6 D5 /add6 | Come to-ge-ther ‖: G5 /add6 D5 /add6 | D5 /add6 D5 /add6 :‖ repeat to fade... Yeah Come to-ge-ther
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- Essential Guitar Chords
- ↓ Come Together chords and lyrics
Notes & Helpful Tips:
- Level Of Ease: Moderate (includes barre chords and power chords)
- Key Signature: D Minor - relative to F Major (they share the same Key signature of 1 flat - Bb)
- 4/4 time: indicates 4 quarter-note beats per bar | 1 2 3 4 | or | 1& 2& 3& 4& | etc.
- Tempo: Moderately Slow Rock Tempo of approx 83 bpm. As the performance is live, the tempo tends to fluctuate.
- The strum pattern in the introduction is 2 down-beats (eighth-note beats) on Dm7 at the start of each of the 4 bars. Each of the 2 down-beats are on 1 & of each bar.
- The D5 and D5/add6 is a standard rock/blues method of playing. D5 is a power chord and the D5/add6 simply places the 5th finger 2 frets up from the 5th note (A), replacing it with a B. (see charts). The same applies to the A5 - A5/add6 and G5 - G5/add6 chords. They are not really '5add6' chords in the true sense - they are really 'replace-5-with-6' chords, but this is very confusing to write in simple form.
- The strum pattern on each of these chords is down strokes in eighth-note time, so each of the counts in a bar, i.e., 1& 2& 3& 4& is a down stroke.
- During the verses, each chord gets 2 down strokes in eighth-note time, i.e.,
| D5 - D5/add6 - D5 - D5/add6 |
The D5 gets 2 down-strokes, and then the D5/add6 gets 2 down-strokes etc. - I have added all the chords in the first verse, but have omitted all the repetitions in the remaining verses as the playing pattern is exactly the same. All chord changes that are necessary are included. The reason for that is the clutter of chords everywhere, when there is really no need.
- Wherever you see D5 /add6... it simply means keep repeating the pattern-play of these 2 chords. The same applies to the A5 /add6... and G5 /add6...
- If you find the power chords a little confusing, you can simply play the barre chords, e.g., Dm on the 10th fret and add the 6 note as the chart illustrates. The same applies for all other chords, i.e., A7 barre instead of A5, and add the 6th note for A5/add6 (E), G7 barre instead of G5 and add 6th note for G5/add6 (D), etc. Just make sure you play the bottom 3 strings. If you play the alternative (alt) D5 and D5/add6, you can barre the whole 5th fret and play the bottom 4 strings. Whatever you decide, the sound is very similar... the important thing is that the chords are correct.
- At the end of the song, it is better to use the alternative D5 and D5/add6 on the 5th fret... makes it easier to get to the G5 and G5/add6 on the 3rd fret.
- You will notice all of the above when you watch the video. If you don't know the song, make sure you listen to it a few times and get a feel for it. When you feel comfortable with the song, play along with it. It's a great song, and very easy to play once you get the hang of it. 🥳
Song Details:
- Songwriters: Written by John Lennon and credited to the Lennon/McCartney partnership.
- Date: 1969
- Lyrics Begin: Here come old flat-top, he come grooving up slowly,
- Performing Artists: The Beatles
- Single Recorded: 21–30 July, 1969
- Single Release: 6 October, 1969
- Album: Abbey Road
- Album Recorded: 22 February – 20 August, 1969
- Album Released: 26 September, 1969