Brown Eyed Girl chords
by Van MorrisonSong Key: G Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 148 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Easy Chords: G, C, D, Em
Extras: Guitar Tab Intro, pdf file download (below)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Brown Eyed Girl
Guitar Tab - Intro
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
G C G D Intro: 4/4 ‖: | | | :‖ G C G D 1. Hey where did we go On days when the rains came G C G D Down in the hol-low Play-in' a new game G C G D Laugh-in' and a run-nin' hey hey Skip-pin' and a jump-in' G C G D C In the mis-ty morn-in’ fog with Our hearts a thump-in' and you D G Em C D G D My brown-eyed girl | | You my-y brown-eyed girl | | G C G D 2. What-ev-er hap-pened To Tues-day and so slow G C G D Goin' down the old mine with a Tran-sis-tor rad-i-o G C G D Stand-in' in the sun-light laugh-in' Hid-in' be-hind a rain-bow’s wall G C G D C Slip-pin' and a slid-in' All a-long the wa-ter-fall with you D G Em C D G My brown-eyed girl | | You my-y brown-eyed girl D G Chorus: Do you re-mem-ber when We used to sing C G D Sha la la la la la la La la la la te da (Just like that) G C G D G Sha la la la la la la La la la la te da La te (da)... G G C G D Instr: ‖ (da) | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 ‖ | | | ‖ G C G D 3. So hard to find my way Now that I'm all on my own G C G D I saw you just the o-ther day My how you have grown G C G D Cast my mem'-ry back there Lord Some-times I'm o-ver-come think-in' about it G C G D C Mak-in’ love in the green grass Be-hind the sta-di-um with you D G Em C D G My brown-eyed girl | | You my-y brown-eyed girl D G Chorus: Do you re-mem-ber when We used to sing C G D Sha la la la la la la La la la la te da G C G D Sha la la la la la la La la la la te da G C G D Sha la la la la la la La la la la te da ... fade out
- Easy Song for Beginners: All easy chords to play which are all included in 'chord charts for beginners', and are freely available as pdf files for reference material and personal use.
- Song Key: G Major (1 sharps - F#)
- Tempo: a lively tempo of around 148 bpm.
- The instrumental section in the middle of the song is mainly bass, drums and tambourine. The chords have been included just in case you want to play along - they come in handy if you are playing solo.
- If you do play along with the bass and drums during the instrumental, pick out the bass and copy it... sounds very effective with the bass and guitar in unison.
- This song is pretty straight forward. An excellent song for beginners... enjoy.
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Van Morrison
- Date: 1967
- Lyrics Begin: Hey where did we go days when the rains came, down in the hollow, playin' a new game.
- Performing Artist: Van Morrison
- Recorded: 28 March 1967
- Single Released: June 1967
- Album: Blowin' Your Mind!
- Recorded: 28–29 March 1967
- Album Released: September 1967
Van Morrison

Born: George Ivan Morrison on 31st August 1945 in Belfast, Northern Ireland - a.k.a. The Belfast Boy
Career: Singer, songwriter, musician
Instruments: Vocals, guitar, harmonica, saxophones, keyboards, drums, tambourine, ukulele
Active Years: 1958 – present
Music Styles: Rock, blues, rhythm and blues, folk, blue-eyed soul, Celtic, rock and roll, jazz, pop, soft rock, country, skiffle, gospel
Associations: Them, Mark Knopfler